Welcome to the 11th annual Warrior Invitational, hosted by Shooting Starz Gymnastics. We are very excited to be hosting this competition in honor of those who have had and those who are presently serving our country. Through your support, we are able to donate a portion of the meet’s proceeds to a local veterans’ shelter.
Warrior Invitational Info
November 22nd-24th, 2024
Split Rock Resort
428 Moseywood Rd, Lake Harmony, PA 18624
Meet Directors:
Joelle Rose and Ashlee Berry
Phone: 570-822-1212
Email: joelle@shootingstarzgym.com
Address: 250 Johnson St.
Wilkes-Barre Two, PA 18702
USAG Levels 1-10
All XCEL Levels
Modified Capitol Cup Format
Events- Individual medals per event, per age group
at least 50% of participants.
All-Around- Individual all-around medals awarded for 100% of participants.
Age Groups:
All age groups are based on age as of the weekend of the Warrior Invitational (November 22nd-24th, 2024)